Saturday, July 17, 2010

Advantage Card Police

We ran to Giant Eagle real quick for some chicken and burgers. On our way out, there were gummi bears on sale 10 for $10. So we picked up a bag.

At the self checkout, we realize we don't have our Advantage Card. Tony politely asks the older lady that is reading Womans Day, if we can borrow her Advantage Card. All we wanted was to save $1.00. Our total bill was going to be $9.00.

She started lecturing Tony about how he can't borrow it because Giant Eagle doesn't allow. Well, needless to say, as soon as I heard her stupidity that was rolling out of her mouth, I turned to the lady in the lane beside me and asked if I could borrow hers. She did not give me any crap and gave it to me. As I turn around to swipe it, she is STILL preaching to Tony about "sharing" your card and Food and Gas perks. SHUT THE F UP LADY!

She got so salty about the fact that I "borrowed" someone elses, that she stormed off. I am not sure, but we THINK she went to tell on us!

Who died and made her Advantage Card Police?!?

1 comment:

  1. What? That is crazy! I've offered my card to people in front of me who don't have it. If you lend it out, you're the one getting the fuel perks. Some old people are crazy! I wish as you swipped the other persons' card that you went "neener neener neener!" to the old lady. :)
