Monday, May 24, 2010

What if I weren't here?

This has been a serious conversation that goes on between Tony and I at least once a week. I will be doing something that I feel if it wasn't for me, probably wouldn't even be thought twice about. For example, emptying the humidifier.

Before we headed to the gym on Sunday, I told Tony to hold on I had to empty the humidifier. He looked at me like I spoke a foreign language. As I was walking down stairs, I looked at him and said, "You need to know these things. What if something terrible happened to me?" He used his normal answer but it made me giggle. He said it with a HUGE gesture of putting his giant arms and hands out to his side and saying, "I told you, I would move into a condo."

And that, my friends, is why I have to out live him.


  1. I think that is true in many marriages. I know I do stuff that Rob doesn't know to do or think to do. But why would he? I do it! LOL! And what is it with humidifiers? Same thing in my house! It seems I'm the only one who empties it.

  2. It just makes me laugh. Rob and Tony would totally be lost without us.
